The bills below represent the bad legislation advanced by Republicans that Democrats defeated in the last half of the session.
HB 579 - Generally revise healthcare laws regarding Title X funds - Dan Bartel
Attacks on Education
HB 371 - Revise qualifications to serve as superintendent of public instruction - David Bedey
HB 465 - Limit school district superintendent salaries - Scot Kerns
HB 633 - Establish the public charter schools act - Ed Hill
Changes to Government
HB 106 - Prohibit expansion of the Montana clean indoor air act - Ron Marshall
HB 132 - Require property tax bill to include comparison to prior year - Fred Anderson
HB 278 - Repeal naming and labeling provisions regarding political committee - Brandon Ler
HB 489 - Require interim committees to review and recommend repeal of certain laws - Scot Kerns
HB 570 - Prohibit infringement of constitutional right to nullify certain fed legislation - Derek Skees
HB 573 - Expand roll of PSC to oversee the operation of internet tech companies - Brad Tshida
HJ 13 - Resolution for Article V US constitutional convention of states - Neil Duram
HB 122 - Revising state disaster and emergency services and executive power - David Bedey
HB 536 - Revise laws related to political committees and rental/lease agreements w/state - Bill Mercer
HB 535 - Eliminate the commissioner of political practices - Derek Skees
HB 685 - Revise judicial standards laws - Brad Tschida
Consumer Rights
HB 453 - Revise insurance laws relating to telematics agreements - Steven Galloway
Discriminatory Bills
HB 113 - Provide for youth health protection - John Fuller
HB 241 - Revise hunting laws related to tribal boundaries - Joe Read
HB 339 - Require child support cooperation for food stamp eligibility - Frank Flemming
HJ 11 - Resolution designating ANTIFA as domestic terrorism in Montana - Braxton Mitchell
HB 107 - Revise mill levy election laws - Ron Marshall
HB 342 - Revise judicial election laws - Matt Regier
HB 355 - Require partisan elections for state, district, local judges - Scot Kerns
HB 455 - Generally revise election laws related to absentee ballots - Lola Sheldon-Galloway
HB 571 - Revise campaign contribution laws - Derek Skees
Freedom of Speech
HB 711 - Revise laws relating to the first amendment and the media - Mark Noland
HB 587 - Prohibit censorship by social media site providers - Lola Sheldon-Galloway
Public Health and Wellbeing
HB 356 - Prohibit anonymous reporting of child abuse and neglect cases - Dennis Lenz
HB 515 - Generally revise laws relating to child and family services - Jeremy Trebas
HB 575 - Prohibit school programming that may transmit infectious agents - Derek Skees
HB 145 - Allow local boards of health and health officers to issue recommendations - Paul Fielder
HB 585 - Revise child abuse and neglect laws regarding adoptive families - Steven Galloway
HB 236 - Revise local health board & health officer powers, duties, and penalties - Matt Regier
HB 457 - Delay implementation of recreational marijuana laws - Bill Mercer
HB 568 - Limit number and location of recreational marijuana dispensaries - Lola Sheldon-Galloway
Natural Resources & Wildlife
HB 245 - Revising electricity supply resource procurement approval - Larry Brewster
HB 314 - Require PSC to consider economic impact of coal plant closure - Braxton Mitchell
HB 442 - Provide for ratemaking mechanisms - Derek Skees
HB 677 - Revise laws to prohibit certain nonprofit organizations to purchase ag land - Dan Bartel
HB 505 - Revising laws re: issuance of elk licenses used on private lands - Wylie Gault
Healthcare & Public Programs
HB 485 - Establish reporting requirements for Medicaid/CHIP quality measures - Jane Gillette
HB 542 - Eliminate any state support for radio stations - Derek Skees
HB 676 - Generally revise Medicaid and CHIP laws - Jane Gillette
Taxes & Fees
HB 149 - Allow certain card transaction fees - Vince Ricci
HB 162 - Eliminate state tax on social security income - Paul Fielder
HB 240 - Revise state income tax deduction for certain dependents - Brad Tschida
HB 372 - Eliminate business equipment tax - Brandon Ler
HB 332 - Revise school laws related to vaccinations - Ed Hill
HB 415 - Prohibit discrimination based on vaccination status - Jennifer Carlson
HB 69 - Revise immunization requirements for pharmacists - Wendy McKamey
Workers’ Rights
HB 251 - Implement right-to-work - Caleb Hinkle
HB 323 - Generally revise pension laws - Terry Moore
HB 168 - Generally revise laws related to union fees - Bill Mercer
HB 461 - Revise union membership laws - Amy Regier